
Journal Sociology and Space

Instructions for contributors

General Information to Authors

SOCIOLOGIJA I PROSTOR (SOCIOLOGY AND SPACE) Quarterly Journal for Spatial and Socio-Cultural Development Studies publishes scientific and expert (professional) papers from sociology and sociology congenial scientific fields and disciplines studying village, town, space and other social themes. The articles are published in Croatian, English and other languages. Volume of the manuscript – including notes, list of references used, tables, graphics and abstract – mustn’t exceed 27 pages, each of them having no more then 1.800 character places. The manuscript must be supplemented with two summaries, each of them up to 250 words, in Croatian and in English. After the text of abstracts give the key word list (no more than eight), key standard terms used in the manuscript to describe your theoretical approach, methodology, empirical results, or the line of reasoning. Exceptionally, special bibliographies can have up to 100 pages, peer-reviews of the books and journals up to nine (9), and surveys of the books, monographs, bibliographies or journals up to three (3) pages.




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Submission of the manuscript give the Institute for Social Research in Zagreb exclusive right to publish, to copyright, and to allow or deny reproduction of it, in whole or in part.