Public engagement

Institute in the media

Jokić o poraznim rezultatima državne mature, što bi trebalo promijeniti i treba li ukinuti školske praznike u veljači

Boris Jokić17.07.2024.Dnevnik Nova TV

Boris Jokić was a guest in the central informative show of the Nova TV, where he commented on the results of this year's State Matura.

Dnevnik Nova TV

Živjeti u stambenim naseljima u Hrvatskoj

Anđelina Svirčić Gotovac24.06.2024.HR3

Anđelina Svirčić Gotovac was a guest at the HR3 programme, where she participated in a discussion on the quality of life in large housing estates in Croatia.


Novi predmet u hrvatskim školama. Jokić: To je prava promjena društva

Boris Jokić08.06.2024.N1 Novi dan

Boris Jokić was a guest at N1 Television show 'Novi dan', where he discussed the 'School and Community' project.

N1 Novi dan

Mladi u Hrvatskoj nisu dovoljno zainteresirani za europske izbore. Kako to promijeniti?

Anja Gvozdanović23.05.2024.Novi list

Anja Gvozdanović commented on the low interest for EU elections among youth.

Novi list

Imamo gotovo najniži udio gimnazija u EU, ovim tempom dostići ćemo ih 2070. godine

Teo Matković and Josip Šabić18.05.2024.Jutarnji list

Teo Matković and Josip Šabić commented for Jutarnji list on the low share of pupils enrolled in grammar school programmes in Croatia, in comparison to EU.

Jutarnji list

ESKALACIJA FEMICIDA: I ove četiri žene ubio je patrijarhat

Mirjana Adamović

Mirjana Adamović commented for the portal on the rise in the number of femicide cases in Croatia.

Što je za Hrvate uopće Praznik rada i zašto nemamo nerv za radničke akcije?

Nikola Petrović01.05.2024.t-portal

Nikola Petrović commented on protests in the Croatian society for t-portal.


Prekarnost profesionalne socijalizacije hrvatskih znanstvenica

Marija Brajdić Vuković25.04.2024.HR3 Kozmos i etos

Marija Brajdić Vuković talked about precarity of professional socialization of Croatian women scientists.

HR3 Kozmos i etos

Jokić: Postizborne makinacije su opasne za društvo – ogade politiku

Boris Jokić22.04.2024.N1 Novi dan

Boris Jokić commented on the post-electional situation in Croatia for the N1 Television TV show Novi dan.

N1 Novi dan

Institut za društvena istraživanja proslavio 60 godina postojanja

IDIZ22.04.2024.HRT Studio 4

Croatian Radio Television show Studio 4 brings a report on the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Institute for Social Research in Zagreb.

HRT Studio 4

Kupovina nekretnine nemoguća misija za prosječnog hrvatskog građanina

Anđelina Svirčić Gotovac14.04.2024.Al Jazeera Balkans

Anđelina Svirčić Gotovac, PhD commented for Al jazeera Balkans on high prices of housing units, and suggested a model of public-private partership of the state and investors as one of the possible solutions.

Al Jazeera Balkans

Koliko su velike rodne razlike u STEM-u: Računarstvo je puno stereotipa, strojarstvo želi tek 0,4% djevojčica

Boris Jokić i Zrinka Ristić Dedić10.04.2024.Večernji list

Večernji list reports on results of the STEMFemme project.

Večernji list

Plaćene pripreme su biznis koji cvjeta

Zrinka Ristić Dedić04.04.2024.HRT

Zrinka Ristić Dedić commented on organized preparations for the State Matura in the Croatian Radio Television show Studio 4.


Zašto mladi ne izlaze na izbore i što misle o Plenkoviću na TikToku? “To je stvarno cringe, apsolutno susramlje”

Anja Gvozdanović03.04.2024.N1

Anja Gvozdanović and Marko Kovačić (Edward Bernays University of Applied Sciences) commented for N1 Croatia on the low participation of youth in the political life of Croatia.


Nikola Petrović: Situacija je nalik na prvi svjetski rat

Nikola Petrović24.02.2024.Glas Slavonije

Nikola Petrović, PhD analyses for Glas Slavonije the military-political situation in Europe two years after the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Glas Slavonije

Nestala naselja – etnografija praznine

Lana Peternel20.02.2024.Hrvatski radio

Lana Peternel, PhD discussed the topic of uninhabited places in Croatia for the radio show 'Poveznice' on the Croatian Radio First Programme.

Hrvatski radio

Bozanić je Crkvu u Hrvata zatvorio, ona je do danas ostala namrgođena, posvuda vidi neprijatelje. Što joj sve zamjera papa Franjo?

Ankica Marinović11.02.2024.Telegram

Prof. Ankica Marinović, PhD commented for the Telegram magazine on the relationship between the Catholic Church in Croatia and the Pope.


Politolog objasnio zašto treba spustiti dobnu granicu za izlazak na izbore: “Apsolutno dobra ideja”

Nikola Baketa01.02.2024.N1 Newsnight

Nikola Baketa discussed for N1 why the voting age threshold should be lowered.

N1 Newsnight

Razgovor o temi napuštanja studija među hrvatskim studentima

Iva Odak i Teo Matković21.01.2024.HRT4

Iva Odak, PhD and Teo Matković, PhD were guests in the informative HRT4 show Studio 4.

They discussed the topic of higher education drop out, based on data collected within the TEMCO project - Thematic Network Lifelong Education Accessible to All (TEMCO).


Psihologinja o potezu gradova i škola: ‘Potpuna zabrana korištenja mobitela nije nužno najbolje rješenje’

Jana Š

Jana Šimon commented on the findings of the Institute’s research on attitudes regarding the ban on the use of mobile phones in Croatian elementary schools.

Do kraja desetljeća strani radnici činit će četvrtinu radne snage?

Teo Matković07.12.2023.Poslovni dnevnik

Teo Matković commented on the Croatian immigration policy and the increase in the number of issued working permits for foreign workers.

Poslovni dnevnik

Asistenti: Potplaćeni smo, ne možemo dići kredit za stan. Dekan FER-a: Opustite se

Anamaria Klasić28.11.2023.24 sata

Anamaria Klasić and Boris Jokić participated in the round table discussion dedicated to the problems that assistants in the scientific research system are facing.

24 sata

Sociologinja Nikolina Hazdovac: Ne treba demonizirati druge religijske ni duhovne prakse!

Nikolina Hazdovac Bajić27.11.2023.Slobodna Dalmacija (Dubrovački vjesnik)

Nikolina Hazdovac Bajić commented on different attitudes of Croatian citizens regarding religious beliefs.

Slobodna Dalmacija (Dubrovački vjesnik)

Kako tehnologija utječe na mlade? S godinama raste tuga, anksioznost i nezadovoljstvo

Boris Jokić

Boris Jokić talked about the influence of modern technologies on youth at the educational conference of the portal ‘Obrazovanje x AI’.

Galopirajuća ‘epidemija‘ razara Hrvate, brojke su zastrašujuće: ‘Bit će još i gore. Ugroženo je pola milijuna ljudi‘

Dunja Potočnik20.11.2023.Jutarnji list

Dunja Potočnik discussed the problem of gambling addiction among youth in Croatia.

Jutarnji list

Zaposlenici u neprofitnim udrugama rade prekovremeno i potplaćeni su

Katarina Jaklin10.11.2023.HRT

Katarina Jaklin commented on the findings of the ISRZ Survey on working conditions in Croatia's non-profit sector.


Populistički politički mentalitet, posebno desni: Na pravoj strani su katolici, Hrvati i domoljubi, a na drugoj su ateisti i komunjare

Ankica Marinović07.10.2023.Večernji list

Prof. Ankica Marinović discussed for Večernji list the mobilization power of religion and its role in the shaping of populist political discourses.

Večernji list

Kulturpunkt u eteru: Kako zamišljati scenarije budućnosti?

Marija Brajdić Vuković

Marija Brajdić Vuković participated in the Kulturpunkt podcast.
The topic that she talked about were the visions of the future in the context of contemporary social crises, with an emphasis on the ways in which they are approached and interpreted by the academic community and artistic practices.

Većina maturanata pala je na drugom roku. Koliko su korisne pripreme?

Boris Jokić i Zrinka Ristić Dedić

Index reported on private tutoring and preparatory courses for enrolment into higher education programmes, which is a topic that was investigated in several occasions by Boris Jokić, PhD and Zrinka Ristić Dedić, PhD.

Istraživanje: Više od 85% učitelja ali i gotovo 53% petaša za zabranu korištenja mobitela u školi

Boris Jokić, Zrinka Ristić Dedić and Jana Šimon19.09.2023.Večernji list

Večernji list brought a story, along with plenty of other Croatian media outlets, on the results of the study conducted by Boris Jokić, Zrinka Ristić Dedić and Jana Šimon, in which they explored attitudes of teachers and pupils towards the ban on the use of mobile phones in Croatia.

Večernji list

Stručnjaci: Treba uvesti 9-godišnje osnovno školstvo

Zrinka Ristić Dedić17.09.2023.N1

Zrinka Ristić Dedić commented for N1 Television the introduction of the whole day school model in primary schools in Croatia.


Putin nije naučio lekciju SSSR-a: Hoće li Moskvi itko više vjerovati

Nikola Petrović17.09.2023.Večernji list

Nikola Petrović commented for Večernji list on Putin’s rhetoric.

Večernji list

N1 analiza: Eksperti i ljevica za stambenu politiku kao u Beču, Vlada kalkulira

Anđelina Svirčić Gotovac31.08.2023.N1

Anđelina Svirčić Gotovac commented for N1 on the Government's proposal of the national plan for housing policy until 2030.


Istražujemo: kakva je kvaliteta života u POS naseljima u Hrvatskoj? Rezultati će vas iznenaditi

Anđelina Svirčić Gotovac and Ratko Đokić26.08.2023.Jutarnji list

Anđelina Svirčić Gotovac and Ratko Đokić investigated the quality of life in socialist and post-socialist estates, whereby covering also the so-called POS estates, i.e. the estates subsidised by the state.

Jutarnji list

Novi porazni podaci: Zašto mladi u Hrvatskoj vjeruju da se bez stranačke iskaznice ne može uspjeti?

Nikola Baketa23.08.2023.RTL Direkt

Nikola Baketa commented for RTL Direkt on the research pointing to youth's distrust in state institutions and their belief that professional advancement cannot be achieved without membership in a political party.

RTL Direkt

Procjene: Zabrana rada nedjeljom na štetu malih trgovaca, a na korist iznimkama

Teo Matković14.08.2023.IUS-INFO

Teo Matković commented on the introduction of the Government's ban on the working of retail stores on Sundays.


Zašto se želimo preseliti i što utječe na tu odluku

Anđelina Svirčić Gotovac and Ratko Đokić07.08.2023.zgradonač

The zgradonač portal brings results of a study on the quality of life and housing in socialist and post-socialist estates in Croatia and Slovenia. The authors of the study are Anđelina Svirčić Gotovac and Ratko Đokić.


Ovo su smicalice kojima katoličke udruge i desnica vode kulturni rat protiv građanskog odgoja. Prvi donosimo detalje važnog istraživanja

Nikola Baketa31.07.2023.TELEGRAM

Nikola Baketa and Kosta Bovan analysed the rhetorics that is used by opponents of civic education, as well as the underlying ideology.


Nestala hrvatska sela: U 195 naselja nitko više ne živi

Lana Peternel15.07.2023.Večernji list

Večernji list brought an article about the book “Nestala naselja u Republici Hrvatskoj”, whose authors are Vlatka Dugački, Lana Peternel and Filip Škiljan.

The authors are exploring the topic of depopulation of smaller settlements in the Republic of Croatia. They approached the topic interdisciplinary in an attempt to investigate the causes and the context of leaving once populated places.

Večernji list

Has the EU Changed Croatia for the Better?

Nikola Petrović05.07.2023.TRT World

Nikola Petrović commented for “Across the Balkans” (TRT World) on 10 years of Croatian membership in the European Union.

TRT World

Od hrvatskih regija mladi su ovdje najskloniji alkoholu i lakim drogama: 'Grad je krcat noćnim klubovima'

Mirjana Adamović, Anja Gvozdanović i Dunja Potočnik27.06.2023.Večernji list

Večernji list reports on the research on risky behaviours of youth in Croatia, conducted by Mirjana Adamović, Anja Gvozdanović and Dunja Potočnik.

Večernji list

Sve manje homofoba među mladima. Zašto je onda puno maloljetnika uhićeno na Prideu?

Jelena Matić Bojić i Nikola Baketa17.06.2023.Index

Index brings an analysis of prejudice among youth in Croatia based on findings of the research conducted by Nikola Baketa, Kosta Bovan and Jelena Matić Bojić in 2021. The study revealed that the majority of youth is today much more tolerant than five years ago.


Ovo su najčešći razlozi napuštanja studija u Hrvatskoj: Provedeno istraživanje među bivšim studentima

Iva Odak, Teo Matković i Saša Puzić07.06.2023.Novi list

Novi list reports on the round table discussion on equity and inclusiveness of higher education in Croatia, at which Iva Odak, Teo Matković and Saša Puzić presented results of the research on reasons behind students' dropping out from higer education.

Novi list

Neočekivani podaci istraživanja: tko je zadovoljniji životom u svojim zgradama i naseljima, Hrvati ili Slovenci?

Anđelina Svirčić Gotovac i Ratko Đokić03.06.2023.Jutarnji list

Jutarnji List brings a report on results encompassed in the study on the quality of housing and life satisfaction in selected housing estates in Slovenia and Croatia. The authors of the study are Anđelina Svirčić Gotovac and Ratko Đokić.

Jutarnji list

U kojem smjeru ide Slovačka? Uspoređivali su je s Hrvatskom, a danas ključa politička scena

Nikola Petrović21.05.2023.Nedjeljni Večernji list

Nikola Petrović commented on the political situation in Slovakia.

Nedjeljni Večernji list

Obiteljski odnosi iz perspektive mladih: Učenici više vjeruju rodbini i susjedima, nego vršnjacima iz razreda

Boris Jokić i Zrinka Ristić Dedić15.05.2023.Jutarnji list

Jutarnji list brings results of a research on family relations from the perspective of youth, which was prepared by Boris Jokić and Zrinka Ristić Dedić.

Jutarnji list

Stručnjaci: "Nema razumijevanja za stvarne probleme naše djece i mladih"

Boris Jokić12.05.2023.HRT

Boris Jokić commented on the influence of the earthquake and the pandemic on the mental state of youth.


Kako mladi biraju fakultete? Nekada je kriterij bio 'ja to volim', danas odlučuju drugi faktori

Ivana Pikić Jugović i Branislava Baranović30.04.2023.Večernji list

Večernji list brings a story about the research on factors contributing to youth higher education choices in Croatia, conducted by Ivana Pikić Jugović and Branislava Baranović. The research titled “How do Students Choose Their Study Courses? Qualitative Research on Motivational, Gender and Contextual Factors” was published in “Sociology and Space”, 60 (3).

Večernji list

Mladi i suočavanje s prošlošću

Anja Gvozdanović11.04.2023.Život uživo #2

Anja Gvozdanović was guest in the podcast Život uživo #2 of the Human Rights House Zagreb. She talked about her youth research with a special focus on their attitude towards the past, which was conducted with the aim of gaining insight into the phase in which facing the past is at the level of the whole society.

Život uživo #2

Jokić za Direkt o ovisnosti o mobitelima, pandemiji. Misli li da politika radije bira novac, a ne djecu?

Boris Jokić05.04.2023. RTL

Boris Jokić was a guest of the RTL Direkt tv show in which he commented on youth and their increasingly frequent and prolonged use of mobile devices, while also referring to other topics related to youth well-being.


Seksualni radnici zalažu se za regulaciju: Žele legalnu zaradu, pravo na kredit i osiguranje

Mirjana Adamović i Nikola Baketa15.03.2023.Večernji list

Večernji list reported on the final conference of the Croatian Science Foundation project “Regulation of Prostitution in Croatia”. The research was conducted by the project principal investigator Ivana Radačić (Institute Ivo Pilar) and the members of the research team Marija Antić, Mirjana Adamović, Nikola Baketa, Rašeljka Krnić, Josip Šipić and Tihana Štojs Brajković.

Večernji list

I izdavači se bacili u biznis: Pripreme za nacionalne ispite, koji se ne ocjenjuju, nutkaju učiteljima

Zrinka Ristić Dedić

Zrinka Ristić Dedić commented for the portal on the beginning of the implementation of national exams for all eight-grade pupils in Croatia.


Nikola Baketa24.02.2023.HRT

Nikola Baketa was a guest in the Croatian Radiotelevision show 'Indeks' in which he commented on political literacy of Croatian pupils and the 'School and Community' programme.


Boris Jokić o djeci i budućnosti Hrvatske: "To bi trebalo zabrinuti sve, posebno one na vlasti"

Boris Jokić14.02.2023.Nova TV

Boris Jokić was a guest in the central informative show of Nova TV - Dnevnik, in which he commented on the findings of the research conducted within the EWAchange project. More than 40,000 Croatian pupils and 10,000 educational professionals from 167 schools participated in the research.

Nova TV

Svakodnevica: (Dez)integracija Europske unije

Filip Fila i Josip Bilić01.02.2023.OTV

Filip Fila and Josip Bilić were guests in the OTV show ‘Svakodnevica’. They presented the project ‘Integration and disintegration of the European Union: Dynamics of Europeanism and Euroscepticism (IDEU)’, and the topics of their doctoral theses.


'Učenicima se sviđa sadržaj građanskog odgoja, no ne dobivaju ga svi na jednak način'

Nikola Baketa24.01.2023.T-Portal

Nikola Baketa participated in a public debate on the voices of pupils for a better quality of civic education and their dialogue with decision makers, organized by the GOOD Initiative. He presented results of a research on teachers' experiences with implementing civic education in Croatian schools as a cross-curricular topic.


What lies ahead for the Balkans in 2023?

Nikola Petrović03.01.2023.TRT World

Nikola Petrović commented for the Turkish public broadcast service TRT World on the socio-political situation in the Balkans, with a particular analysis of possible future scenarios with regard to the moving of the Western Balkans closer to the European Union.
The show can be viewed at the link.

TRT World

Građani nisu krivi zato što ne vjeruju institucijama koje ne rade svoj posao

Adrijana Šuljok30.12.2022.Nismo same

Adrijana Šuljok gave an interview for the 'Nismo same' portal on the effects of the pandemic on the deepening of social inequalities, especially with regard to women. She commented on the polarisation and division among social groups around the question of trust in science.

Nismo same

Anja Gvozdanović: Mladi i ratne traume

Anja Gvozdanović22.12.2022.Novosti

Anja Gvozdanović gave an interview for the 'Novosti' portal in which she addressed the topic of Croatian youth and their war traumas.


Teo Matković: Treba produžiti strukovno obrazovanje

Teo Matković i Josip Šabić20.12.2022.p-portal

Teo Matković gave an interview in which he discussed results of the research report on secondary school education in Croatia, which was delivered upon request of the Croatian Ministry of Science and Education. The report was written in collaboration with Josip Šabić.


Treba li sniziti dobnu granicu za pravo glasa? ''Mladi mogu dati svoj obol demokraciji, imali 16 ili 19 godina, ali potrebno je ispuniti par preduvjeta''

Marko Kovačić

Mako Kovačić commented for on the possibility of lowering the age threshold for voting in Croatian elections to the age of 16. He pointed to both the positive and negative sides of introducing such a practice.

ARHITEKTI: 'Javnost treba biti uključena pri odlučivanju u prihvaćanju propisa'

Anđelina Svirčić Gotovac09.11.2022.Dalmatinski portal

Anđelina Svirčić Gotovac participated in a round table discussion on spatial and urban planning organized by the Urban Planning Committee of the Croatian Chamber of Architects and the Split Society of Architects. The news was reported by Dalmatinski portal.

Dalmatinski portal

Društvo mora pomoći učiteljima i nastavnicima jer je njihov status u RH neprihvatljivo nizak

Iva Odak18.10.2022.Nacional

Iva Odak gave an interview for Nacional (printed edition nr. 1278 of 18 October 2022) in which she pointed to the importance of the school, family and social setting for the well-being and identity formation of youth. She also emphasized the importance of raising the status of the teaching profession in Croatia.


Turistifikacija Hrvatske

Jelena Zlatar Gamberožić10.10.2022.HR3

Jelena Zlatar Gamberožić was a guest in the radio show “Okrugli stol ponedjeljkom“ on the Croatian Radio Third Programme. The topic of the show was touristification of cities. Besides Jelena, architect Maroje Mrduljaš also participated in the discussion. The editor of the show is Filip Majetić.


Slovenia asks Brussels to grant Bosnia EU candidate status to protect region’s stability

Nikola Petrović29.09.2022.TRT World

Nikola Petrović commented for the TRT World television on the challenges of the process of Western Balkans' accession to the EU.

TRT World

Sumnjiv popis stanovništva: “Nepoznate narodnosti je oko 27.000 građana, 190.000 ih se izjasnilo kao “ostali kršćani”

Teo Matković24.09.2022.Jutarnji list

Teo Matković commented on results of the Croatian Population Census 2021 for Jutarnji list.

Jutarnji list

Hrvatska javnost ne doživljava temu okoliša važnom, većini je važnije gospodarstvo, siromaštvo i zdravlje

Tomislav Cik14.09.2022.Jutarnji list

Jutarnji list brings a story on the published Report Summary consisting of the most relevant data from the research report “A Lost Decade”, previously published by the Society For Sustainable Development Design (DOOR). The authors of the Summary are Tomislav Cik and Sandra Vlašić, with a contribution by Željka Jurlina.

Jutarnji list

Few EU citizens identify themselves as Europeans, study shows

Nikola Petrović and Filip Fila11.09.2022.N1

Nikola Petrović, Filip Fila and Marko Mrakovčić (Faculty of Law, University of Rijeka) are the authors of the scientific paper “Yugoslavs and Europeans Compared: Supranational Polities and Supranational Identification”, published in “Politička misao”, Vol. 59, No. 2. Multiple media services in Croatia and the neighbouring countries brought a review of this study, in which the authors compared the social and political contexts of European and Yugoslavian self-identification, along with the share of citizens who identify, or identified, themselves with the mentioned supranational identities.

Selection from the Croatian media:

Istraživanja: U EU mali broj nacionalnih Europljana, kao u SFRJ Jugoslavena - N1 (

Selection from the media in BiH and Serbia:


Nova školska godina u dio škola donosi i novi predmet: "Nema ispita ni pisanih ili usmenih provjera znanja"

Boris Jokić30.08.2022.Nova TV

Boris Jokić commented for the central informative show of Nova TV (Dnevnik Nove TV) on the introduction of the new curriculum “School and Community“ in secondary schools in the City of Zagreb, Primorje-Gorski Kotar County and Krapina-Zagorje County.

Nova TV

Zemlja će uskoro imati 8 milijardi ljudi. Hoće li Kojoti prepjevati svoju pjesmu: 'Nije ju pregazilo vrijeme'...

Branko Ančić29.08.2022.RTL Direkt

Branko Ančić commented for the RTL Direkt TV show on the expected rise of the human population to 8 billion. He also commented on the problem of overexploitation of natural resources and overconsumption of meat in comparison to previous generations.

RTL Direkt

Nikola Petrović: Ukrajinski rat otkriva ideološko svrstavanje država i političkih aktera

Nikola Petrović20.08.2022.Glas Slavonije

Nikola Petrović gave an interview for Glas Slavonije in which he talked about the influence of the war in Ukraine on the strengthening or weakening of pro-European or eurosceptic attitudes among European citizens and political actors.

Glas Slavonije

Je li Hrvatska Balkan, Mediteran ili srednja Europa? Evo što misle hrvatski građani

Nikola Petrović, Josip Bilić i Filip Fila05.08.2022.Index

Nikola Petrović, Josip Bilić and Filip Fila are the authors of the paper „Kulturno-civilizacijske i geopolitičke orijentacije hrvatskih stranaka i građana“ [Cultural-civilisational and geopolitical orientations of Croatian parties and citizens]. The article was presented in more detail in Index, Glas Slavonije, Telegram and on


Kada gledate kako Željka Markić nastupa u javnosti, kao da je prošla ‘školu‘ Opusa Dei

Ankica Marinović03.08.2022.Jutarnji list

Ankica Marinović analyzed the Opus Dei organization for Jutarnji list.

Jutarnji list

Jokić o potpisu na maturi, aferi 'Daj pet' i opsesiji peticama: 'Ideal 5.0 izrazito je štetan, lažan i licemjeran'

Boris Jokić21.07.2022.RTL Direkt

Boris Jokić was a guest in the RTL Direkt show, where he recommended various measures for the improvement of the system of evaluation and grading, elimination of the grade point average, and improvement of the quality of external evaluation exams.

RTL Direkt

Boris Jokić: Raste biznis privatnih instrukcija

Boris Jokić i Zrinka Ristić Dedić30.06.2022.Novosti

Boris Jokić gave an interview for the “Novosti“ portal on recently published results of the research on private tutoring and on organized preparations for the State Matura and admission exams. The research was carried out in collaboration with Zrinka Ristić Dedić.


Profil antivaksera u Hrvatskoj: Mlađi od 40 godina, muškarac, dolazi iz Dalmacije...

Adrijana Šuljok27.06.2022.Jutarnji list

Adrijana Šuljok commented for Jutarnji list on the findings of the research pointing to a decline of trust in science among Croatian citizens.

Jutarnji list

Jokić predložio rješenje za poplavu “lažnih odlikaša”

Boris Jokić23.06.2022.N1

Boris Jokić was a guest in the Novi dan show, in which he commented on the newest results of national exams, according to which Croatia has an unrealistically high number of straight A pupils.


Građani moraju osjetiti odgovornost politike prema javnosti i društvu

Nikola Baketa and Kosta Bovan18.06.2022.Glas Slavonije

Nikola Baketa and Kosta Bovan (Faculty of Political Science) are the authors of the paper titled “Stability and/or change? Institutional trust in Croatia in 1999–2020“. The Paper was published in the journal “Croatian Sociological Review“ in March 2022 and attracted great interest of the public and media.

Glas Slavonije

Koje zemlje i lidere vole Hrvati, kojem kulturnom krugu pripadamo: Evo tko najviše cijeni Putina

Nikola Petrović, Josip Bilić and Filip Fila18.06.2022.Jutarnji list

Jutarnji list brings a comment on the professional paper titled “Cultural-civilisational and geopolitical orientations of Croatian parties and citizens“ written by Nikola Petrović, Josip Bilić and Filip Fila. The paper is published in the journal “Političke analize“.

Jutarnji list

Zašto Hrvati rade i kupuju nedjeljom

Katarina Jaklin14.06.2022.HRT

Katarina Jaklin commented on working on Sunday in a report broadcasted on the Croatian Radiotelevision.


GOOD inicijativa: Građanski odgoj u školama ne provodi se kako je zamišljeno

Marko Kovačić, Nikola Baketa i Boris Jokić01.06.2022.T-PORTAL

Marko Kovačić, Nikola Baketa and Boris Jokić participated at the conference on civic education, organized by the GOOD initiative. Marko Kovačić and Nikola Baketa presented the findings of Institute's research on the implementation of civic education as an intercurricular subject in schools and provided insights into youth political literacy, while Boris Jokić participated in a discussion within which he discussed the experience of the implementation of civic education in Croatian schools and reflected on the new curriculum “School and Community“.


Država se odrekla golemog novca: Poslodavcima ostaje tri milijarde kuna, a trendovi se nisu preokrenuli

Teo Matković11.05.2022.Večernji list

Teo Matković commented for Večernji list on youth unemployment in Croatia and cost-effectiveness of government's measures for stimulating employers to conclude indefinite-term employment contracts with youth.

Večernji list

Prijete li nove tehnologije zatvaranjem radnih mjesta ili potpuno suprotno? "Društvo se mijenja od generacije do generacije"

Teo Matković

Teo Matković commented for the influence of new technologies on the labour market.

Muke po sezoncima

Katarina Jaklin i Jelena Ostojić25.04.2022.Novosti

Katarina Jaklin and Jelena Ostojić gave an interview for Novosti discussing the research findings on the experience of seasonal work, gathered within the „Work Fit for People“ project.


Konačni slom Višegradske skupine, Viktor Orban ostao je i bez posljednjeg saveznika

Filip Fila16.04.2022.Jutarnji list

Filip Fila commented for the Magazin section of Jutarnji list the developments within the Visegrád Group. In the article he reflected on the question of how these developments impact the meaning of the Visegrád Group as a symbol of 'resistance to Brussels' and the newly-created gap between Hungarian and Polish authorities.

Jutarnji list

Istraživanje: Kome sve građani vjeruju više nego hrvatskoj javnoj upravi?

Nikola Baketa14.04.2022.Nacional

Nacional and other media bring a story about the results of the research conducted by Kosta Bovan, PhD and Nikola Baketa, PhD on institutional trust of Croatian citizens in the period between 1999 and 2020.


Okrugli stol ponedjeljkom

Nikola Petrović11.04.2022.HR Treći program

Nikola Petrović participated in a discussion on the integration and disintegration processes in the EU.

HR Treći program

Gotovo tri četvrtine građana u Hrvatskoj podržava energetsku tranziciju na obnovljive izvore energije

Tomislav Cik04.04.2022.Jutarnji list

Jutarnji list brings the third article with the results of the survey into Croatian citizens' attitudes titled “Lost Decade: Attitudes and opinions on environmental protection, climate changes and energy transition in the Republic of Croatia“. The authors of the article are Tomislav Cik (ISRZ and DOOR), Željka Jurlin (Eko-Zadar) and Sandra Vlašić (Terra Hub Croatia).

Jutarnji list

Razmotrene moguće posljedice rata u Ukrajini na pozicioniranje hrvatske ekonomije

Nikola Petrović02.04.2022.Zadarski list

Nikola Petrović held a lecture addressing the possible influence of the war in Ukraine for the positioning of Croatian economy.

Zadarski list

Regionalni dnevnik


Anđelina Svirčić Gotovac participated in the presentation of the Programme of comprehensive renewal of the historical centre of Zagreb in the City Assembly.


RTL Potraga


Katarina Jaklin commented for the RTL TV show Potraga on the results of the research on the experience of fixed-term employment in Croatia. The research was carried out within the project “Work Fit for People“.


21. Tjedan mozga

Boris Jokić19.03.2022.TV Slavonije i Baranje

Boris Jokić presented the results of the research on the influence of the pandemic on school children in Osijek, within the 21st Brain Awareness Week.

TV Slavonije i Baranje

Studija otkrila tko od visokoobrazovanih u Hrvatskoj vjeruje u zavjere o cjepivima

Adrijana Šuljok09.03.2022.Index

Adrijana Šuljok and Željko Pavić (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Osijek) conducted a research confirming that persons with higher scientific literacy are less prone to conspiracy theories.


Emisija More

Branko Ančić06.03.2022.HRT

Branko Ančić participated in the presentation of the research within the CSF project 'Sustainable fishery' - SOCFISH.


Informer – tema: Izazovi s kojima se susreću mladi

Dunja Potočnik05.03.2022.NOVA TV

Dunja Potočnik talked about the challenges that young people face.


Promijenio se svijet rada, budućnost je - pola posla od kuće, pola u tvrtki

Teo Matković04.03.2022.Večernji list

Teo Matković commented on the current changes on the labour market, reflecting on the question of working from home.

Večernji list

Najbolje od Nacionala - Sociologinja Iva Odak 2020.: ‘Samo solidarnost i empatija izvući će svijet iz krize’

Iva Odak03.03.2022.Nacional

Nacional published again an interview with Iva Odak, which was originally held in April 2020, and in which she emphasised the importance of solidarity among people, as the way of overcoming the crisis.


Stoljeće i pol borbe protiv cjepiva. Razlozi protivljenja i dalje su isti kao nekad...

Adrijana Šuljok26.02.2022.Jutarnji list

Adrijana Šuljok commented on the reasons behind the low numbers of vaccinated people in Croatia, compared to other EU countries, in an article by Tanja Rudež in Jutarnji list.

Jutarnji list