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TeachWell research team participated at the 26th Days of Ramiro and Zoran Bujas international conference
Published: 04.10.2023.

The results of the research project “The role of personality, motivation and socio-emotional competences in the professional well-being of early-career teachers”, TeachWell, were presented at the symposium “Determinants of the professional well-being of early-career teachers” at the international conference 26th Days of Ramiro and Zoran Bujas. The principal investigator of the project is Iris Marušić, PhD, and the project is financed by the Croatian Science Foundation.
The symposium included four scientific papers with the results of the quantitative part of the research with teachers, as well as the students' perception of the motivational elements of teaching quality.
The summaries of papers can be found in the preliminary book of conference abstracts.