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Participation of the HESC project team in the annual ENHR conference
Published: 07.07.2023.

Anđelina Svirčić Gotovac, PhD, Ratko Đokić, PhD and Anamaria Klasić, MA participated within the Slovenian-Croatian bilateral project of the Croatian Science Foundation - HESC in the annual conference of the European Network for Housing Research (ENHR) held in Lodz, Poland, from 27 till 30 June 2023 under the title of Urban regeneration: shines and shadows.
At the conference, Ratko Đokić and Anamaria Klasić presented the paper titled Residential satisfaction in Croatian and Slovenian large housing estates (LHE) from socialist and post-socialist period on behalf of the HESC team. The paper brings results of the conducted questionnaire survey on the quality of housing in socialist and post-socialist large housing estates in Osijek, Rijeka, Split and Zagreb in Croatia, and Ljubljana and Maribor in Slovenia.
Information on the conference, including the program and the Conference Proceedings are available at the link.