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Failure to build Yugoslav and European identity: comparison between the 1950s Yugo Prophecy and 1980s Euro Prophecy
Published: 04.07.2023.

Stevo Đurašković, PhD and Nikola Petrović, PhD are the authors of the scientific paper “Failure to build Yugoslav and European identity: comparison between the 1950s Yugo Prophecy and 1980s Euro Prophecy”. The paper is published in the journal National identities, which is indexed in the Scopus database in the first quartile (Q1) for the domain of History for 2022.
The article discusses the main obstacles encountered in the course of the earliest stages of supranational identity–building that took place in Socialist Yugoslavia in the 1950s, and in the European Community in the 1980s. Due to World War II legacy, both supranational identities were predominantly built on a promise of peace and prosperity that exclusively related the emotional attachment of citizens to the economic and political success of the supranational polities. Since both polities originally brought fulfillment of (single) national goals to their constituencies, any cultural component of supranational identities could be successfully challenged by the narratives on hegemony of supranational center over national constituencies.
The paper is available at the link.