
Mirjana Adamović

Senior scientist

  • Researcher’s unique code: 264005
  • Job title: Senior scientist
  • Field of interest: sociology of gender, sociology of the family, feminist theory, sociology of culture, cultural studies

Qualifications, scientific advancement and education


Senior scientist


Senior Research Associate in social sciences, the field of sociology


Research Associate in social sciences, the field of sociology


Senior research assistant



1992 – 2005

Higher expert associate – Tresnjevka Cultural Centre, City of Zagreb


Professor of sociology – X. Gymnasium, Zagreb


Ph.D. in Sociology at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb


M.Sc. in Sociology at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb


B.Sc. in Sociology at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb

Research projects

2023 - 2026

Raising awareness about gender-based cybEr violence and advocating for SAFEr online environment for women and girls

2023 - 2024

Youth Study in South-Eastern Europe 2023-24: Youth Study in Croatia

2020 – 2023

Bilateral project Quality of living in the Housing Estates of the socialist and post-socialist era: a comparative analysis between Slovenia and Croatia in collaboration with Urbanistični inštitut Republike Slovenije, Ljubljana (Croatian Science Foundation)

2019 – 2022

Regulation of prostitution in Croatia (Croatian Science Foundation)

2018 – 2021

Equal rights – Equal pay – Equal pensions – Expanding the scope of implementation of gender equality actions and legal standards towards achieving gender equality and combating poverty in Croatia (European Comission)


FES Youth Studies Southeast Europe (Friedrich Ebert Stiftung)


Evaluation of the work of “Duga-Zagreb” Home for children and adults – victims of domestic violence for the period 2007-2017 (City of Zagreb)


Previous experiences in migration and migratory aspirations of Croatian youth (Friedrich Ebert Stiftung)

2017 – 2020

Sociological profile of Croatian political elite (Ministry of Science and Education)

2016 – 2020

Divided Past – Joint Future, IPA project within the Cluster Civil Society Facility and Media Programme 2004 – 2015 (European Comission)

2014 – 2017

Identity and the body in advertising (Ministry of Science and Education)

2014 – 2016

The Quality of living in new housing estates in the settlement network of Zagreb (Ministry of Science and Education)


Institutional evaluation of Ombudsperson for Gender Equality of the Republic of Croatia (principal investigator)


International Social Survey Programme – Family and changing gender roles IV

2013 – 2014

Participation Programme of UNESCO: Young Women and Gender Equality in Post-Yugoslav Societies: Research, Practice and Policy

2007 – 2013

Identity of the Others in the Republic of Croatia (MSES)

2005 – 2007

Gender (sex) determination of space and time in the Republic of Croatia (MSES)


Comparative Analysis of European Employment Strategy, National Employment Action Plans of EU member states and National Employment Action Plan of the Republic of Croatia in 2004


Migration of young scientists – Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar


Social habits and aspirations of Zagreb University students – Department of Sociology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences and Student centre in Zagreb

Selected bibliography



Teaching activity

  • 2017 Postgraduate doctoral study in Humanities, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Split, Introduction to Research Methodology in Humanities: Theories, Concepts, Logic, Terminology and Practice