
Marko Kovačić

Research associate

  • Researcher’s unique code: 355800
  • Job title: Research associate
  • Field of interest: political sociology/public policy (youth political participation, youth work, youth political competence)

Qualifications, scientific advancement and education

2020 / 2021

appointed to the ranks of: Research associate, Assistant professor and Lecturer in political science

2022 - 2023

University of Graz (Austria) – postdoctoral research fellowship


University of Ljubljana (Slovenia) – PhD in public policy (youth policy)


Central European University (Budapest) – MA in Political Science


University of Zagreb, Faculty of Political Science – MA in Public Policy


University of Zagreb, Faculty of Political Science – BA in Political Science

2015 – 2016

Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona) - research fellowship in youth political sociology


University of Minnesota - Youth Studies Program

Research projects

2022 –

Development of a self-assessment tool to measure adolescent and youth participation in public life within a country

2020 – 2022

(Re)building society: A longitudinal study of post-corona social recovery in Croatian general population (ReSPoC), Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb

2020 – 2021

Research on political literacy of high school graduate students

2019 – 2022

Innovate Debate: Applied Curriculum for Debate-based Youth Work

2018 –

Policy goals of Croatian public policies. Faculty of Political science, University of Zagreb

2018 – 2019

Youth in Croatia 2018.-2019., Friedrich Ebert Stiftung

2017 – 2027

Support to better knowledge in youth policy, European Commission, Institute for Social Research


Networking of Erasmus+ National Agencies to mainstream Human Rights Education in the field of youth, Agency for Mobility and the EU Programmes (research manager)

2016 – 2017

Urban Application of the CLLD Methodology as a Tool for Social Involvement of Youth, Ministry for Demography, Family, Youth and Social Policy (research manager)

2016 – 2020

Divided Past – Joint Future, IPA project, cluster Civil Society Facility and Media Programme 2004-2015

2016 –

Time for GOOD education? (GOOD Initiative, Forum for Freedom in Education, Institute for Social Research in Zagreb)

2016 – 2017

Youth Work and Social Entrepreneurship, Portugal Entrepreneurship Education Platform, (Erasmus+ project)

2017 –

Europe Goes Local – Supporting youth work on municipal level, Agency for Mobility and the EU Programmes (Erasmus+ project)

2017 –

Analysis of the conditions and needs in secondary education related to informing on higher education choices and procedures for enrollment on study programmes through the Central Applications Office, Agency for Science and Higer Education and Institute for Social Research


New Pathways to Human Rights and Active citizenship, IPA project Transition Assistance and Institution Building Component; Volonterski centar Osijek (research manager)

2015 – 2016

Organizations that Care – youth and child policy at the local level; IPA project Transition Assistance and Institution Building Component; Parent’s association Step by Step (research manager)

2015 – 2017

Education for citizens – citizens for social development and solidarity, IPA 2012. project in the framework of Building Capacities of CSOs for Ensuring Effective Implementation of the EU Standards in the Enforcement of Human Rights; KLJP, GONG, Center for Peace Studies, B.a.B.e

2014 – 2016

GOOD Initiative: Towards Civic Education in Schools (research manager)

2014 – 2015

Structural Dialogue with Young People – Youth Empowerment for Political Participation, Croatian Youth Network and The Croatian National Group for Structured Dialogue (research manager)


ECVET programme analysis; Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes

2013 – 2014

NEOformal: Non-formal on Formal, Croatian Debate Society and CSO HERMES; funded by the city of Zagreb

2013 – 2014

Croatian Students in the European Context: the Coming Social Elite, Ministry of Science, Education and Sport

2013 – 2014

Making History Work for Tolerance: A Research-Based Strategy to Reduce the Intolerant Usage of History Teaching in the EU, Network of Education Policy Centers; The Open Society Foundations

2012 – 2013

(Croatian) Youth policy analysis for The Ministry of Social Policy and Youth

2012 – 2013

Mapping School Networks in Europe for Open Society Foundations

2011 – 2012

Perspectives of the Civil Society in Croatia: Different Views for The Open Society Foundations

Selected bibliography

Bovan, Kosta and Baketa, Nikola and Kovačić, Marko and Čorkalo Biruški, Dinka (2022) Trust us, we know what we are doing: institutional trust in Croatia during the COVID-19 crisis. Southeast European and Black Sea studies. pp. 1-22.

Petek, Ana and Baketa, Nikola and Kekez, Ana and Kovačić, Marko and Munta, Mario and Petković, Krešimir and Šinko, Marjeta and Zgurić, Borna (2021) Unboxing the vague notion of policy goals: comparison of Croatian public policies. European Policy Analysis, 7 (2).

Ančić, Branko and Baketa, Nikola and Kovačić, Marko (2019) Exploration of class and political behavior in Croatia. International journal of sociology, 49 (4). pp. 264-281.

Kovačić, Marko and Dolenec, Danijela (2018) Youth participation in Eastern Europe in the age of austerity. In: Young people re-generating politics in times of crisis. Palgrave Studies in Young People and Politics (1). Palgrave MacMillan, Cham, pp. 375-394.


Teaching activity

  • 2020 - ongoing
    University of Rijeka, classess: Pedagogy of Youth Work and Students and Community
  • 2017 - ongoing
    Co-founder and teacher on the academic program Youth in Contemporary Society, University of Rijeka and ISRZ

Memberships and functions

  • 2013 –
    Youth Policy National Correspondent at the European Knowledge Centre for Youth Policy, a body jointly managed by the European Commission and the Council of Europe
  • 2016 – 2022
    Youth Wiki National Correspondent, European Commision
  • 2019/2020 –
    Editorial board member for the scientific journals: Sociology and Space and Croatian Political Science Review
  • 2016 –
    Supervisory board member, Croatian Political Science Association
  • 2016 –
    Member of the Croatian Sociological Association
  • 2015 –
    Project evaluator for projects in the field of youth (Erasmus+ at the European Commission, Ministry for Demography, Family, Youth and Social Policy, Europe for citizens, COST)
  • 2013 –
    Member of the various expert working groups for youth policy-making at the national, EU and CoE level