
Vlasta Vizek Vidović

Senior scientist

  • Researcher’s unique code: 52586
  • Job title: Senior scientist
  • Field of interest: educational science

Qualifications, scientific advancement and education


BA degree in psychology, English language, sociology


PhD in psychology


assistant professor


full professor


full professor with tenure

Research projects

1976 – 1987

Psihologijska istraživanja psihičkih procesa i ljudsko ponašanje, projekt Odsjeka za psihologiju, Filozofskog fakulteta u Zagrebu, projekt financira SIZ za znanost SRH

1980 – 1994

Work importance study (Vrijednost rada u životu pojedinca) – međunarodni projekt – voditelj za Hrvatsku dr. sc. B. Šverko, projekt financira European research office

1987 – 1990

Način vrednovanja školskog uspjeha i neke osobine ličnosti učenika (, projekt financira SIZ za znanost SRH

1988 – 1990

Rukovođenje i međuljudski odnosi (  selektivni projekt naručen od strane Privredne komore Hrvatske, projekt financira SIZ za znanost SRH

1991 – 1995

Neki aspekti profesionalnog sazrijevanja u adolescenciji. (6-06-004), projekt financira Ministarstvo znanosti, tehnologije i informatike

1996 – 2000

Psihosocijalna prilagodba djece nakon rata i podrška škole (6-06-713), projekt financira Ministarstvo znanosti i tehnologije

2000 – 2001

Teacher education in Central and East European countries, (voditelj za Hrvatsku) Central European University, OSI, Budimpešta

2000 – 2001

Strategija razvoja obrazovanja u Republici Hrvatskoj u 21. stoljeću projekt vlade Republike Hrvatske (voditelj dr. sc. N. Pastuović), projekt financira Ministarstvo znanosti, tehnologije i informatike

2001 – 2002

Teacher education in higher education institutions (voditelj za Hrvatsku), projekt financira UNESCO-CEPES

2003 – 2005

Razvoj modela cjeloživotnog obrazovanja učitelja i nastavnika (0100503), projekt financira MZOŠ

2004 – 2005

Strategic management of staff development at university, SCM-TEMPUS (CO-15404), projekt financira EU

2004 – 2006

Enhancing professional development of education practitioners and teaching/learning practices in SEE countries). Projekt mreže South East Europe Education Cooperation Network (voditelj projekta dr. sc. Pavel Zgaga, Center for Educational Policy Studies, Sveučilište u Ljubljani), projekt financira OSI Budimpešta

2006 – 2007

Life long learning in university context, SCM-Tempus (C009A06-2006) (suvoditelj), projekt financira EU

2006 – 2007

Development of university counseling and advisory services, UM-JEP – 41060-(HR), projekt financira EU

2008 – 2009

Ishodi učenja u obrazovanju učitelja  i nastavnika – (IUOUN), projekt financira Nacionalna zaklada za znanost

2007 – 2011

Profesionalni razvoj učitelja tijekom inicijalnog obrazovanja i pripravništva (100-1001677-0880), projekt financira MZOS

2009 – 2010

Advancing the Educational Inclusion and Quality in SEE countries (Phase 2: Cross-country Survey on Parents (sudjelujem kao član Central research team-a, voditelj projekta Steve Powell, Promente org., Sarajevo), projekt financira OSI Budimpešta

2010 – 2011

International teacher leadership project (glavni voditelj David Frost, University of Cambridge), projekt financira OSI Budimpešta

2012 – 2013

Advancing teacher professionalism for inclusive, quality and relevant education – ATEPIE: Competence Framework for Teachers, Vanjski konzultant na projektu, Centar za obrazovne politike, Beograd, financira OSI Budimpešta

2012 – 2015

Program Higher education initiative in South-east Europe (HEISEE). Voditeljica regionalnog programa u suradnji s Institute of higher education, University of Georgia, US;  projekt se financira iz sredstava US Embassy i donorskih izvora


Potencijali i perspektive inicijalnog obrazovanja savjetnika u profesionalnom usmjeravanju u Republici Hrvatskoj, voditelj projekta, projekt financira Agencija za mobilnost i projekte EU

Selected bibliography

Vizek Vidović, V., Lugomer, G., Arambašić, L.(1988) Intrinsic extrinsic orientation and evaluation system in primary school. Psychologische Beitrage, vol 30/ 1-2. l06-107.

Lugomer, G., Vizek Vidović, V., Arambašić, L. (1988) Factor structures of intrinsic vs. extrinsic orientation in the classroom obtained under different evaluation systems in primary school, Psychologische Beitrage, vol.30./ 1-2. 92-105.

Šverko, B. i Vizek Vidović, V. (1995) Studies in the meaning of work: Models and some of the findings, u D.E. Super i B.Šverko (ed.): Life Roles, Values and Careers in International Perspective, San Francisco, Jossey Bass, 3-21.

Šverko, B., Jerneić, Ž, Kulenović, A. Vizek Vidović, V. (1995) Life Roles and Values in Croatia: Some results of the Work Importance Study, u D. Super i B.Šverko (ed.): Life Roles, Values and Careers in International Perspective, San Francisco, Jossey Bass, 128-146.

Vlahović-Štetić, V., Vizek Vidović, V.,Arambašić, L. (1999) Motivational characteristics in mathematical achievement: comparison of gifted high-achieving, gifted under-achieving and no -gifted pupils, High Ability Studies, Vol 10. br.1. 37-49.

Vizek Vidović, V. (1999) Self-referenced cognitions and mathematic grades in secondary school, Studia Psychologica, 41, 133-142.

Vizek Vidović, V.(1999) Normal development and common problems in Children, u D.Ajduković & P.T.Joshi (ur.) Empowering Children – Psychosocial assistance under difficult circumstances, Zagreb, Society for Psychological Assistance,.1999. 21-31.

Vizek Vidović, V., Vlahović-Štetić,V. i Bratko, D. (1999) Pet ownership and socio-emotional development of school children, Anthrozoos, 12(4), 211-217.

Keresteš, G., Arambašić, L. Kuterovac-Jagodić G., Vizek Vidović, V. (1999) Pet ownership and childrens’ self-esteem in the context of war, Anthrozoos, 12(4), 218-223.

Arambašić, L., Keresteš, G., Kuterovac-Jagodić, G., Vizek Vidović, V. (2000) The role of pet ownership as possible buffer variable in traumatic experience, Studia psychologica, 42, 135-146.

Vizek Vidović, V., Kuterovac-Jagodić, G., Arambašić, L. (2000) Posttraumatic symptomatology in children exposed to war, Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 41, 297-306.

Vizek Vidović, V. Arambašić, L., Keresteš, G., Kuterovac-Jagodić, G. i Vlahović-Štetić, V. (2001) Pet ownership in childhood and socio-emotional characteristics, work values and professional choices in early adulthood, Anthrozoos, 14 (4), 224-231.

Rovan, D. i Vizek Vidović, V. (2003) Service learning in the university: a case study, Thinking classroom, vol 4/1, 14-19.

Vizek Vidović, V., Vlahović-Štetić, V.(2003.) Curent models and new developments in Croatian teacher education, u B. Moon, L.Vlasceanu, L.C. Barrows, (ed.): Institutional approaches to teacher education within higher education in Europe: current models and new developments, Studies in higher education, Bucharest UNESCO-CEPES, 51-64.

Pifat-Mrzljak, G., Juroš, L., Vizek Vidović, V. (2004) Broad strokes of recovery: The case of Croatia, Higher education in Europe: Brain drain and the academic and intellectual labour market in South East Europe, vol.3/3, 372-380.

Vizek Vidović, V. i Bjeliš, A. (2006) Entrepreneurialism at the University of Zagreb: mangaing the sustainability of change, Higher education in Europe: Entrepreneurial Universities in Europe: Legacies, Realities and Aspirations, 31, 157-194.

Pavin, T., Vizek Vidović, V.,Miljević-Riđički, R. (2006) Enhancing Professional Development of Education Practitioners and Teaching/Learning Practices in SEE Countries – National report Croatia, u P. Zgaga (ed.).The Prospects of Teacher Education in South-east Europe, Ljubljana, Pedagoška fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani, 251-287.

Vizek Vidović, V., Grozdanić,V. , Kletzien, S.B.(2007) Enhancing active learning and critical thinking in higher eduaction: university teachers perceptions of the ALCT program, Thinking classroom, vol 8/1. 18-23.

Vizek Vidović V. i Domović, V. (2008): Researching teacher education and teacher practice: the Croatian perspective, u B. Hudson i P. Zgaga (eds) Teacher education policy in Europe, Umea: University of Umea, 303-313.

Vizek Vidovic, V. (2008) Accountability, access and affordability as key challenges in the reform of Croatian higher education u ur. K. Weber : International perspectives on accountability, affordability, access to postsecondary education, New developments for institutional research, Assessment Supplement, San Francisco, Josey-Bass, 5-25.

Domović, V. i Vizek Vidović, V. (2010) Development of quality culture in initial teacher education in Croatia, u P.Hudson, P.Zgaga i B. Astrand (eds) Advancinag quality cultures for teacher education in Europe: tensions and opportunities, Monographs on Journal of research in teacher education, Umea:TEPE 2010, 105-120.

Kovacs-Cerovic. T., Vizek Vidović, V. Powell, S. (2010.) School governance and social inclusion, Involvement of parents, Belgrade: CEPS (130 pp).

Marušić, I. Pavin Ivanec, T. Vizek Vidović, V. (2010) Some predictors of learning motivation of student teachers, Psihologijske teme, 19/1, 31-44.

Pahić, T., Vizek Vidović, V., Miljević-Riđički, R. (2011) Involvement of Roma parents in children’s education in Croatia: A comparative study, Journal of Research in International Education,Vol 10/3. 275 – 292.

Domović, V. i Vizek Vidović, V. (2011) Teacher education in Croatia: Recent developments in teacher education (2005-2010) u Valenčič Zuljan,M. i Vogrinc, J. (ed.) European dimensions of teacher education-similarities and differences, Ljubljana, Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana, 253-270.

Domović, V. i Vizek Vidović, V. (2012) Turning educational research into teacher education policy and practice: mission possible or impossible?. U Madalinska-Michala, J. Niemi, H. Chong, S., Research, policy and practice in teacher education in Europe.Lodz: University of Lodz. 264-276.

Jugović, I.,Marušić, I., Pavin Ivanec, T. & Vizek Vidović, V. (2012) Motivation and personality of preservice teachers in Croatia, Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, Volume 40, Issue 3, 271-287.

Vizek Vidović, V., Domović, V. , Drvodelic, M. (2012) The role of research in curricula reform in initial education for primary school teachers in Croatia, Reflective education, 8, No. 2, 140-148.

Vizek Vidović V. i Velkovski, Z. (eds.) (2013) Teaching profession for the 21st c, century, Belgrade, Centre for education Policy (90 pp.)

Vizek Vidović, Vlasta; Domović, Vlatka. (2013) Teachers in Europe – Main Trends, Issues and Challenges, Croatian Journal of Education. 15, 3; 219-250.
