
Nikolina Hazdovac Bajić

Postdoctoral fellow

  • Researcher’s unique code: 318301
  • Job title: Postdoctoral Fellow
  • Field of interest: sociology of religion

Qualifications, scientific advancement and education


Postdocotral fellow, Institute for Social Research in Zagreb


Research associate in social sciences, field of sociology

2018 – 2022

Postdoctoral fellow, Institute for Social Sciences “Ivo Pilar”


Doctor of Philosophy – sociology University of Zagreb (theme: Nonreligiosity in Croatia: Sociological Aspects of Organizing of Nonreligious and Atheists)

2010 – 2017

Postgraduate doctoral studies in sociology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences University of Zagreb

2013 –

Participation at annual postgraduate course Future of Religion at Inter-University Centre in Dubrovniku (in continuo)

2009 – 2018

Research assistant, Institute for Social Sciences “Ivo Pilar”


Bachelor of sociology and croatology, Croatian Studies University of Zagreb

Research projects

2024 - 2027

Effects of the Europeanization Process in Selected Urban-Rural Areas of Croatia

2022 – 2025

Project funded by the Croatian Science Foundation: "Isolated People and Communities in Slovenia and Croatia – ISOLATION" (member of the research team)

2020 – 2022

Bilateral project funded by the Croatian Ministry of Science and Education and Slovenian Ministry of Science, Education and Sport: “Comparison of National and Religious Identities of Secondary School Students in Croatia and Slovenia”. Institute for Social Research in Zagreb (IDIZ) and School of Economics and Business, University of Ljubljana (member of the research team)

2020 – 2021

„Cult of Saint Nicolas – changes through history and its role in the formation of contemporary identity of Dubrovnik,  Institute of Social Sciences „Ivo Pilar“ (member of the research team)

2020 – 2021

„Culture of Secularity in Croatian Society“,  Association “Josip Sruk”, Association „Protagora“ (principal investigator)


„Analysis of the perceptions and attitudes of targeted groups and socio-economic effects of the LIFE ARTINA project“,  Association for nature, environment and sustainable development “Sunce”, European Union – program LIFE (principal investigator)

2014 – 2015

„Through knowledge to sucess, mikro actions for makro effect in the local comunity”, The Office for Associations of the Government of the Republic of Croatia through the European Social Fund (principal investigator)

2013 – 2014

„InVolontiram se“, Volunteer Center Dubrovnik, Ministry of Social Policy and Youth (principal investigator)

2009 – 2013

“Religious pluralism, postmodern religious movements and Croatian identity”, Ministry of Science, Education and Sports (member of the research team)

Selected bibliography

Hazdovac Bajić, Nikolina (2023) “Online Strategies of Nonreligious and Atheistic Organizations in Croatia”. Journal of Religion in Europe, 16 (1): 1-27

Hazdovac Bajić, Nikolina (2022) “Prilog konceptualizaciji sekularnosti u suvremenom europskom i hrvatskom društvenom kontekstu”. Nova prisutnost: časopis za intelektualna i duhovna pitanja, XX (3): 525-536

Hazdovac Bajić, Nikolina (2022) “Being Nonreligious in Croatia: Managing Belonging and Non-Belonging.” Religions, 13 (5): 1-14

Hazdovac Bajić, Nikolina; Lupis, Vinicije (2021) “Kult svetog Nikole – mijene kroz povijest i uloga u izgradnji suvremenog identiteta Dubrovnika”. Crkva u svijetu, 56 (4): 679-700

Hazdovac Bajić, Nikolina (2020) “Science as an alternative symbolic universe among members and organizations of nonreligious persons and atheists in Croatia”. U: Transfer of Knowledge on Religion and Atheism in Central and Eastern Europe, Vorpahl, J. i Dirk Schuster (ur.), 257-280. Berlin: DeGruyter

Hazdovac Bajić, Nikolina; Marinović Jerolimov, Dinka; Ančić, Branko (2020) “Anticlericalism, Nonreligiosity and Atheism in Croatia”. U: Freethought and Atheism in Central and Eastern Europe: The Development of Secularity and Non-religion, A. Remmel i T. Bubik (ur.), 33-57. London: Routledge

Hazdovac Bajić, Nikolina; Marinović Jerolimov, Dinka (2020) “Church and Welfare State in Croatia”. U: Faith-Based Organizations and Social Welfare, M. Glatzer i P. C. Manuel (ur.), 129-157. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Hazdovac Bajić, Nikolina (2020) “Representation of Non-Religious and Atheistic Identities in a Highly Religious Society - Croatian Case”. Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, XL (1): 24-44

Hazdovac Bajić, Nikolina (2019) “(P)ostati ateist - formiranje nereligioznih identiteta među članovima organizacija nereligioznih i ateista u Hrvatskoj”. Društvena istraživanja, 28 (3): 461-482

Hazdovac Bajić, Nikolina, Marinović Jerolimov, Dinka (2017) “Atheist Bus Campaign in Croatia – One Day Stand”. U: The Atheist Bus Campaign, Global Manifestations and Responses, Tomlins, S. i Spencer Culham Bullivant (ur.), Leiden: Brill

Hazdovac Bajić, Nikolina (2013) “Prezentacija religijskoga sadržaja na najposjećenijim hrvatskim mrežnim portalima”. Obnovljeni život : časopis za religioznu kulturu, 68 (4): 473-481

Hazdovac Bajić, Nikolina (2013) “Suvremeni demografski i socio-ekonomski problemi otoka Mljeta”. Naše more : znanstveni časopis za more i pomorstvo, 60 (5-6): 102-109
